

Product Details


1.The roll is muce of aloy chiled cast iron (inctuding sepraton cait or imegrated alloy tree Teir surtaces are hare and woar sesstance.The relnt are dividod ints the hation tul ant dilled rolTe helew refhorin rol innar cavity is borodusually spraying in cavify it odoctod fer heating ar cooling 1 The hailow rel Furtaoe can te eachined into sooth rull whais tmooth fallfartol groaved roi welded wo aloy fell and so on. For figh coniing ot neoling tpred. Cirfumferential drin roi can be tiimutanacusly or ndividuaty elected.

2.The roll is supparted on both end by doutin now spheries ognngs Large mathino adopf doyoi bearing So t bat advantaget of runnint imothirenarosanthelow hense and iong seruice lin. 

3.The sail p adustmnt it driven by the werm and worm wheel. H.s simpie for coeratinn The mode at naesinentnclies naruetectfic and nydrnlie acusteet in itree forms. 

4.An series wils re couioged wih safety device acsording to te nes btation siandards. in crdet toretect the sain prts tom oeing damaged. 

5.The toli beating lubrication: grease lubricatien and f ibncatiun for. 

6.The ding part adopts pyiorpin coupling to prevent ain parts from being dameged due to the everoad of transmesioe part. 

7.The reducer adepts the hard gor leeth surtoce reducerI nanow noine. high tramsmission sffitieny and long tenece iie. 

8.The bate indegral typo.the transmissignmode is of cioned tis tate ant easy for use. 

9.The uet con golect the sfock biender socordinn to the procete 

Sclectinn Guide 

1.The deiving modt is diided into neft deiving nnd rignt driving acing ouerntion soocut mooor rooucet i an ti ie siee of operaloca is caoed ben deving.Wten at is or the rigtt.caliee right driving.1 the indinamun of eining duecton shout bjsmede when biacing an orderNommaiy.wt aupoty the machie with the figt driuing .

2.The range of fron and roar rontpeed fati8 1:108 and 11:27 Tiie ndication of speed catig should be made whenpicng an order Normaty.we supoty th machne wth the speed ratio of11.7 .

3.The tyoe of rolf inctudet hallow imooth rolldriiled smonth roll and selow areeved roll.Tte haliew ancath rall i esuiooed with tthe machise wthout epecial indicaticn .

4.The mede of nip adjsiment namual nwwr and Fydraue The naruul nig aouibmant in eauceed wiih ine michins witbout ipecis ndication .

5.The type of tiocs gide fxodmanaaymeing:lunnover and bydrnuically oring The manial stock gude is equpped with the machina withaut ipecafandicition .

6.The sfety tence inetudet mecraricat afely protection ant phoioatectrie dotectionuadety cun preseetiin for telecticn .

7.The amerponcy step devicus incude omrgoney butna.trip br roee lbet saitek siet ane Heing Nlantet her seinctinn .

8.The braking dinnice inclunes atctronyirciin power off prain and a diao trake .

9.The slock pas has comesun steei giate and atanisss uteei ovie tor .

10.The uttun bladus incfue ranun directplatetrpepemati dirocr plate type annd oneumate round diec type for relection.

11.Speed reducer Haed leeth faue sngit output shaft and hard trett tace dual-outout shafts fat befection. 12.Singlo ostout shat reretAn inner tiper hols bearing or tol beaning is optional .

13.Main motor has OCand nvermr molar for stlechon  14.PLC is opliana! for efectric controi Aystem.


+86 13606305987